Call (815) 858-2424 or Text (815) 281-0336

Bowser B&B
All you need to know
Boarding services for your pet are all inclusive. Pickup, delivery, feeding, and exercise are built into the daily or weekly boarding rate. Price is based on length of stay and number of dogs. Short-term and long-term boarding is available. Multiple family dogs are welcome. Please call for specific rate information, and ask about a length of stay discount for long-term boarding for single or multiple family dogs.
Trial weekends are available for pets who are new to boarding. We include door to door, on-time, pickup and delivery of your pet from your home to our facility at no additional charge. Pets are transported in one of 3 facility vehicles by trained drivers. Pets are crated for their safety while transporting.
Three two-hour out of door play sessions are provided each day. Play sessions are supervised by trained adult staff members. Dogs are allowed to socialize with other dogs of different breeds and sizes as long as they are temperamentally compatible. If you prefer your dog to be walked during one of our play sessions, or if your pet requires one-on-one attention, we are happy to accomodate.
Families are encouraged to provide enough food for their pets. If no food, or not enough food, is provided, your pet will be provided Science Diet pet food. Dogs will be fed throughout the day as per your instructions. If your dog is on a special diet, we will accommodate your pet's needs. Please clearly label your medication and include an information sheet containing your name, pet's name, medication type, dosing instructions, and what the medication is for.
Bowser B&B Provides Jolly Balls and Kong Toys for pets to use outdoors. Please keep your pet's special toys, beds, and blankets at home.
Please do not send the following items with your pet:
Pig's Ears Rawhide Tennis Balls Leashes Pillows Dog Beds Bowls